Thursday, August 26, 2010

Stroller meditation

Notice your steps. The movement of your legs, in the ankle, in the knee, in the hip. Feel your weight shift from side to side. Feel the skin of your legs, the texture of the fabric as it moves against your thighs. Notice where your clothes are close, and where there is space.

Breathe. Breathe in time to your steps, in and out.

Notice your steps, the pace of them. Keep the same pace, not too fast, as your attention focuses on the movement. Feel your toes press into your sandals, and through them into the pavement. With each step, connect to the ground. Capture the brief moment of firmest connection. With each step, feel the earth, then let it go and move forward.

Breathe. Feel the rush of the breath through your nose.

Notice the bar beneath your hands. Feel the vibrations of the wheels against the ground as they roll. Focus on the skin of the palms of your hands, of your fingertips, of your fingers. Relax your fingers, and let your palms connect with the bar, feel it as an extension of your arms. Notice the bumps and dips in the sidewalk, and let them roll by and behind you.

Breathe. Feel your ribcage expand and contract. Notice the feeling of skin against fabric as the fabric is asked to stretch.

Notice a leaf, a single leaf, on a spot on a hedge ahead of you. See this leaf, the shape of it, the color. See how it moves in the breeze, how the shape of it changes as you approach. See how it turns into a blur as you come near and pass it. Notice another leaf, a single leaf, on a spot on a hedge ahead of you.


Yesterday's run destination: up and down Washington

Yesterday's menu:
breakfast: cereal and banana
lunch: pick up
dinner: pasta salad

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