Wednesday, August 4, 2010


As Arizona Ave. comes up the gentle slope of the central plain of Santa Monica from the ocean to the West LA border, it passes through a dense city center commercial zone, runs adjacent to not one but two enormous medical centers and in general for its first 25 blocks is used as a major, though secondary, thoroughfare. A much larger road runs parallel on either side, Wilshire to the north and Santa Monica to the south, so the mix of through intersections, stop signs, and occasional lights gives Arizona a slower, more pedestrian friendly feel. There are bike lanes, haphazardly marked, in both directions. Trees are at times sparse and some stretches, particularly around the medical centers, present a scale well out of proportion to individuals or residences. There is an elementary school and playground, a few churches, bungalows in widely ranging states of repair and lots of two and three story apartment buildings.

Then as it approaches 26th Street, the view up the street changes. A canopy of identical forty foot ficus trees stretches up the next five blocks. The street narrows. All thoughts of large commercial buildings fade. The feel of the street becomes smaller, more intimate. Now there is a stop sign at every corner, and the sidewalk bumps out into those corners to slow traffic and mark the entrance to each block. The buildings are the same mix of bungalows and apartments, but under the camouflaging effect of the shade of the giant trees they look more elegant, cleaner, better loved than homes a few blocks down in the sun.

Yesterday's run destination: Sawtelle

Yesterday's menu:
Breakfast: cheese and salsa omelette
Lunch: leftover pasta
Dinner: roast chicken and homegrown veggies at Karen's house

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