Saturday, October 30, 2010

Spires and Sanctuaries, character development

Spires and Sanctuaries, a non-demoninational role-playing game
When creating a new Member, pick an age, gender, race, educational attainment, income level, and religious background. Members start with 25 experience points to distribute across Church Member Qualities (CMQs): organizational skill, religious fervor, pastoral care and concern, musical ability, generosity, teaching ability. Members gain general experience points by participating in regular Church Activities and specialized experience points by participating in Special Activities. For example, taking the "Spiritual Journeys" Special Activity gains two religious fervor points and one general point to be assigned by the Member.

Spires and Sanctuaries is a game that encourages collaboration, and many types of Church Activities require multiple Members with strong skills (high CMQs) in various areas to operate. A "Non-demoninational Winter Holidays Pageant" requires a number of Members with strong organizational skill, 1-3 Members will extremely high musical ability quotients, one Member with a high musical ability and teaching ability quotient and a large number of Members with at least 10 generosity points.

The game master, or Minister, can award bonus points at any time to Members who make creative or kind contributions to an Activity. Members are expected to act during an Activity in character with their point levels, i.e., a Member with low organizational skill and high generosity shouldn't be capable of organizing a successful Fundraising Campaign without assistance. The Minister can take a Member aside for "counseling" at any time to help keep Members in character.

Yesterday's run destination: estate sale at 24th and Alta

Yesterday's menu:
breakfast: granola
brunch: banana smoothie
lunch: ?
dinner: french fries and korean beef taco

1 comment:

  1. The only way to start over is to find a new group of players.
