Saturday, September 11, 2010

Who doesn't love legos?

I love lego. I love the feel of the bricks, their sharpness and precision. I love the colors, the sound and feel of snapping them together, lining two up then pushing them into place. I love games and patterns I made up when I was six and half remember coming back to me as I put a few pieces together. I love the lifelong connection to these blocks, so that picking up a lego piece can bring back layers of memory of the various people I have been at different ages.

In today's trawl of garage sales I picked up a few buckets of Duplo, which are nominally for Miriam but really will be for all of us to play with. As Becca pointed out, what she really wants is to play with us, so toys that she enjoys but I don't care for come second to something we can both get behind. Same goes for books and, I suppose down the line, Pixar movies.

Yesterday's run destination: DK's donuts

Yesterday's menu:
breakfast: donuts
lunch: tuna bean spread and donut
dinner: overcooked mahi mahi, ratatouille, boiled potatoes

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