Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Archipelago is too pretty a word to describe Los Angeles

A peaceful walk up Arizona Ave. tree lined and wide of sidewalk, a few pedestrians on the street and dogs lolling in the yards.

This bus stop along a four lane road with a few feet between traffic and bench, no shade or shelter.

This bus stop along a four lane road next to an offramp from the highway as cars go past at highway speeds, crouching against a 7' painted concrete wall in the dust and broken glass beneath scraggly bushes.

The Getty Center's loveliness, the stone, the austere modernism, the so visibly careful planning, the delightful garden of paths and flowers.

This bus stop waiting with tourists and students, more perhaps than usual because of school vacation, teens alone and in small groups. Watching cars come out of the parking lot, speed off.

This bus stop alone not connected to anything by sidewalks it is only a transfer point by the side of the road from one bus to another, or perhaps to walk into the luxury hotel on a hill by the side of the highway. There is no safe way to access this spot but by car or bus.

A child asleep on my back as we walk home.

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