Thursday, November 18, 2010

Communicating processes

One minor theme running through the field of science communication has been the challenges and really creative ways people come up with to understand processes. Biology particularly is full of them. Cells growing and dividing, DNA replicating, populations at every level increasing and decreasing. I remember learning about them in HS Bio through sequences of little illustrations, prose descriptions, and the occasional video that looked like a VHS version of a filmstrip.

These days, there are lots of options. Computer simulation videos, models you can move and manipulate, dance, role-playing games ("You have been selected against. Would you like to play again?"). They're not cheap, they're easy to do poorly, and the whole lesson can devolve into playing with the models rather than using them to understand the process at hand, but when it works, it leaves a great understanding of how the various parts of a system interact with each other and change over time.

Yesterday's run destination: around the country club

Yesterday's menu:
breakfast: Cinnamon Toast Crunch
lunch: ice cream sandwich
dinner: week old lasagna, which may have made me sick

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